Time, Dates and Fees

Term Dates
Monday 6th January
Friday 14th February
Monday 24th February
Friday 4th April
Tuesday 22nd April to Friday 23rd May
Monday 2nd June to Friday 18th July
Monday 1st September to Friday 17th October
Monday 3rd November to Friday 19th December
Monday 5th January to Friday 13th February
Monday 23rd February to Friday 27th March
Session Times and Fees
The Pre-School is open between 7.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
We currently offer the following flexible session start and collection times:
Starting: 7.30am – 8am – 9am – 12pm – 1pm
Finishing: 12pm – 1pm – 2pm – 3pm –3.30pm and 4pm
If your child is attending the lunchtime period of 12pm – 1pm, then you will be required to provide a healthy lunchbox for them.
Funding hours
Wiltshire County Council provide 15 hours free, education places for all three and four year olds, for thirty eight weeks of the year. Children become eligible for a funded place from the start of the term after their third birthday.
There is a new government website childcarechoices.gov.uk designed
to help you work through the funding available to find out which may
be applicable for you and how to apply.
Eligible parents are required to apply for 30 hour funding,
the Pre-School cannot arrange this.
Please click the link below for more information.
We also accept funded 2 year olds. Eligible parents are required to apply
for this funding, the Pre-School cannot arrange this.
Please click the link below for more information.
For extra hours and children not eligible for free funding,
Pre-School provision is charged at:
£6 per hour.
All our fees are in line with current government funding rates and include a snack and drink. Fees are payable half termly, in advance and we accept cash, cheque, bank transfer, childcare vouchers and, tax-free childcare payments.
If you would like more information on the sessions, please contact us.