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A day at our

We recognise that every child is an individual with their own character, abilities, sense of humour and needs. We encourage them to reach their potential through a variety of activities.

Upon arrival at Pre-School you will be welcomed into the playroom by a member of staff. Children are encouraged to find their own photos, place their coats and bags on their pegs whilst parents sign their child into the setting. Children are then free to play and settle into their Pre-School session.


A typical day in Pre-School is a mixture of spontaneous child led experiences
and focused planned activities, all designed for your child’s individual learning development. 


Every child will be able and are encouraged to access the outside play areas during each of the sessions that they attend. We ask that children are clothed appropriately for the weather that day. 

At lunchtimes, children are encouraged to sit together and enjoy their own lunchboxes.  They are always supervised by a qualified member of staff with pediatric first aid.


The afternoon continues with a mixture of child initiated activities where staff support and scaffold the children’s learning and focused planned activities to support their next steps.

Snack time is offered mid-morning and mid-afternoon.


At the end of their session, you will be asked to sign out your child.
We encourage the children to collect their belongings off their peg, from their named drawer and (if applicable) take their lunchboxes.


Breakfast is available and offered to those children who attend during the early morning session between 7.30am – 9am. 


We recognise that every child is an individual with their own character, abilities, sense of humour and needs.
We encourage them to reach their potential through a variety of opportunities which include; craft activities, carpet toys as well as maths activities, an area focused on developing children’s mark making and early literacy skills, a changing role-play corner and a cosy book corner to allow for a quiet area for reflection. We also ensure they have fun learning experiences available to them from visiting places or via a visitor to the Pre-School.


©2019 by Cricklade Pre-School Playgroup

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